Okay, so we're here already!
Last post for the Student Blogging Challenge March - May 2020.
It's been a new experience. Yeah, probably because I've never participated in a blogging challenge ever before much less one specifically for students.
And, reading other's works has been quite interesting too. Getting more than one point of view on a subject does broaden one's horizon.
Admittedly, I couldn't commit 100% to the challenge. I even missed a week or two in the middle. But it wasn't for nothing.
Besides, to quote Hank Green from one of his videos, I know more stuff now!
So, throughout the course of the challenge, I wrote a total of 6 blog posts (including this one, the number sounds awfully small now, whoops!) Should've definitely written more.
Here's some questions about the challenge as a task to answer in this post:
1. How many weeks of the challenge did you participate in?
6 weeks
2. How many posts did you write in the 8 week period?
6 posts
3. Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?
I'd say Thoughts during an extremely boring chemistry class and Schools around the world both. In the former I share my favorite poem written by me from 2019. In the latter, I talk about my most recent struggle in the academic area and how I dealt with it, with a little background on Indian education system in the high-school years.
4. Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog?
I used word processor to write all my blog posts. Other than that, I use pinterest and picollage to create my covers and the avatar post was created using this website called Avatar Maker.
As for future blog plans, I'll be honest, no promises or commitments. Since this is a platform where I share my thoughts at my convenience and will, it's quite flexible. Besides, it's not like one can have full control of his/her thoughts anyway. I'll try to post as frequently as possible though.
So, thank you for being my audience! If you participated in the challenge let me know how your experience turned out as well!
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