Okay, so we're here already! Last post for the Student Blogging Challenge March - May 2020. It's been a new experience. Yeah, probably because I've never participated in a blogging challenge ever before much less one specifically for students. And, reading other's works has been quite interesting too. Getting more than one point of view on a subject does broaden one's horizon. Admittedly, I couldn't commit 100% to the challenge. I even missed a week or two in the middle. But it wasn't for nothing. Besides, to quote Hank Green from one of his videos, I know more stuff now! So, throughout the course of the challenge, I wrote a total of 6 blog posts (including this one, the number sounds awfully small now, whoops!) Should've definitely written more. Here's some questions about the challenge as a task to answer in this post: 1. How many weeks of the challen...