This post is a task of the Student Blogging Challenge Week 1.
This avatar was created using this website.
So that’s my avatar, accurately representing me in real
life. I’m a little of a formal person than a casual one, even among friends,
which explains the collar. It’s just me. The side turn, that’s how I like to
keep my hair most of the time. And my glasses, they’re one inseparable part of
me. Not by choice though. But they’re the one thing I’ve had on me since first
grade and have now become so much a necessity that a thought of me without the
glasses is kind of unimaginable.
This avatar was created using this website.
Hello, Mahikaarora! I am official #stubc commentator and English teacher from Latvia, Daira Ruta. I wear glasses, too, and cannot function without them. I started wearing them in grade/form 4, but I probably needed them earlier. My daughter, almost 15, got glasses last year and she refuses to wear them most of the time. I also like collars, but I prefer Peter Pan collars. Are you familiar with those? Neat that even collars have a systematic organization system, right? Okay! I hope to read some more of your writing!