Nanowrimo. Now, I realise that most of my blog audience
probably has no clue what it means. If somebody does, it’s probably because I
told them and they thought it was a crazy idea.
But then again, what is it?
Nanowrimo is short for National novel writing month. Every
year, writers from all around the world participate and attempt to write 50,000
words in 30 days. It happens annually and spans the entire month of November.
Yes! It’s possible, many people have done it and I want to
do it too.
Before you begin preparing a speech for me, advising me to
study this year and reminding me that I’ve got another round of 80 mark exams
in the end of November, read what follows.
Yes, I know, tenth grade, I have to study, etcetera, and
reminding me has got no point because I know. We're being hammered so that the message to study seriously is ingrained in our minds permanently.
I realise the importance of prioritising studying and I’ve
been doing so. But, its about writing, a program where writers
from all around the globe work on some project of their own for thirty days,
encouraging each other, writing terrible drafts (it’s a writer thing) and
ultimately make these manuscripts into novels.
And, I believe that can be a major boost to my writing as,
honestly, I do not get much words down even in a year.
Besides, I don’t see any other time in the next 6 months to
do any writing.
To be honest, I wasn’t planning on posting in these exam
weeks but since it’s an English exam on the day after, well, meh.
So, yes, I might take up 50K in 30 days challenge. Might do
further thinking on the topic after my mid-term examinations end and load up my
kindle with resources too.
If I do, more updates in October aka. Preptober for
Nanowrimo participants!
Hello! My name is Elijah. I think that Nanowrimo is really cool, even though I've never heard about it before. I wish you luck in writing 50,000 words! Check out my blog at