What is the meaning of the word 'Wisdom'? Recently my nine (almost ten) year old sister asked me what is the meaning of the word ‘wisdom’? It took me sometime to figure out what meaning of wisdom would make sense to a fourth-grader. I mean, I knew the meaning all right, but somehow found it a little difficult to explain. Google says, the word ‘wisdom’ means the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise. And wise means having or showing experience, knowledge and good judgement. This was okay but somehow felt difficult for a child to understand. I tried to simplify it in my way. I told her that it is a kind of knowledge that one gains from experiences. I simplified it further by saying that you grow wiser with time and you gain wisdom towards a particular thing or happening which you experienced. A person cannot be called wise by his intelligence only. It requires experience to become wise. I also made sure to check...