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Showing posts from May, 2019

Helsinki. Finland.

I’d like to begin with apologizing. Three weeks of inactivity wasn’t really my plan of running a blog. But then, I saw that coming and it was sort of inevitable. Regardless, I apologize. Now, getting back to the topic. There’s this thrill to be in a foreign country. And, it’s beyond what adjectives can describe. At least for me. I don’t think I’ve found the appropriate adjective yet. So for starters, I’ll just compare how things are different from our country. Our first stop was  Helsinki which was just a small visit and here are a few differences: The population. Normally in India, most streets are thronging with people. Here, being the capital city of Finland, Helsinki had considerably less number of people to be seen around at once. The food. Well, no doubt people here eat bland stuff which we’re not used to. Our taste-buds are accustomed to the spices and flavours of India and coming here, food gets little weird. Kind of better and healthier though....